If I were ambitious enough and well-connected enough to run for president and I was worried about getting into the debates, I’d have to consider bribing a reputable pollster to juice my numbers as just part of the price I’d have to pay. I mean, that doesn’t mean I’d find any takers, but don’t think people aren’t asking.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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So TPP now faces the fastrack vote in Congress. I feel ill.
So, pollsters are only able to reach half of the adults they attempt to contract and of that 50% that they do contact, only 10% are willing to participate in the poll. The other nine don’t know or don’t care. As over half of eligible adults do vote, I’m going with “don’t know” at this stage of the electoral cycle and name recognition is the largest single factor in the results they get. Thus, that would mean that the Bush name is a negative this time around. Trump is about where he could be expected to be (and appears not to have gained nor lost over the past sixty plus days). Overall, Fiorina has picked a few pockets, but otherwise the GOP race has been static with none of them breaking out and Trump and Carson not tripping on their own banana peels. Might not change much in the next two months.
Well, that’s why we have co-pilots.
Having watched the last GOP
3 ring circusdebate, I’m not sure that being excluded is a bad thing.C’mon Booman, that’s old news.
Raz has been in the bag for years.
Amazed by the understatement here:
If polls themselves don’t announce the margin of error, they should be used as kitty litter. If the journalists don’t take note of the margin of error they should be transferred to a different beat. And they don’t take note of it on the whole, so the whole story is almost pure narrativium, up until the point where the margins start getting reasonable, which is when? Some point after South Carolina? With this many candidates and the cell phone issue Marie discusses, maybe never.
Not the cell phone issue, I read too fast, but it doesn’t affect the point.
You mean like this outlier poll?
There’s also Gravis, still hanging around.