You know, maybe Jeb Bush is going to the Republican nominee. Maybe he’ll be our next president. Could be. I can’t count it out.
But I’m almost surprised when I see him seriously discussed one way or the other. He’s just such a massive irrelevancy. It’s like a chore to even check what he’s up to or what he might have said today. It doesn’t feel like it matters. It doesn’t feel like he matters.
“Oh, he’s still running? He’s still in the race? He has a billion bucks to throw around?”
Jeb Bush is a political wallflower.
Will he campaign with his idiot brother?
Does anyone care?
At this point I”m not sure which one is the idiot.
he’s pure tapioca but that’s what makes him dangerous. look at the damage he did in FLA back in the day, installing his bro. talk about the banality of evil.
I would say that both of the Bush brothers are idiots in their own very different ways.
McCain and Romney both pretty much sucked as candidates and nominees, but not enough to call on George and Poppy to prop them up. Trying to recall which 1988 Democratic candidate enlisted Carter’s assistance on the campaign trail.
Jeb? only has the biggest fat SuperPac. “John Carter …” had a $100 million marketing budget and “The Lone Ranger” had a $175 budget, but lavish marketing didn’t improve the product and both lost megabucks.
When do we move on from 1992?
We did … in 2010
John Carter is actually a pretty good movie.
That seemed to be a minority opinion. My own, having seen it in a theater, was that it was dreadful. Used it and “The Lone Ranger” as examples of product fails (with mega marketing budgets) because I sat through both.
The narrative is unwieldy (and the film was badly marketed) but A Princess of Mars is still in there and it has some very good moments.
I did notice opinion seemed to grow more positive as time has passed.
Jeb! is John Connolly and Phil Gramm, two other candidates with tons of money and little actual electoral appear.
Can you imagine that Jeb! thinks his brothers frat boy persona and ‘I’m better than you’ sidewise look will somehow resonate?
It’s incredible how out of touch all the Bush’s are. No wonder the base thinks Trump is a ‘Man of the People’.
From MSF “The negative impact on public health will be enormous:” Statement by MSF on the conclusion of Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations in Atlanta.
Good on MSF for not allowing themselves to be silenced.
Right now, American consumers are subsidizing pharmaceutical development for the rest of the world. That doesn’t work. Perhaps there needs to be a new incentive system for drug research and to get products to market. The solution is not to allow one system of patent protection in the U.S. and another overseas.
Worried that it would be a Jeb/Hillary redux catfight. But Jeb didn’t even fuel his party’s animus, instead all he’s managed is to hold the ho hum seat. GW may be stupid but he’s got a few grains of charismatic stupid, Jeb just offers watered down jello.
Rough times for The Onion. Not far off from Nevada rally last month when the almost empty rec room stole the show.
Well apparently a Texas school district decided to down play the horrors of slavery by calling slaves “workers” and “immigrants” because … well because Texas
It looks like a viral campaign got them to recall it
What year does the publisher think it is? 1915? K-12 textbooks have always been of poor quality, but this instance is so regressive and such an outright lie, that a correction hardly seems adequate. School boards in the states that don’t want to raise new generations of ignoramuses should put the publisher on the blacklist.
the young boy’s mother made an impressive video [embedded in the tpm story
He is all over the airwaves here in NH. In addition, every time I watch something on Youtube I get a Jeb! ad.
It’s all positive stuff – it reminds me a good deal of an ad Clinton ran in late ’91 – it talks about there being plenty of Washington Politicians in the race – almost word for word the ad Clinton ran.
But the idea Bush is an outsider is ludicrous. I think they are waiting for Trump to self-destruct – and depending on the poll that may already be happening. But he still faces significant opposition from the other “establishment” pols in NH (Kasich, Rubio, maybe Fiorina if you stretch the term).
Standard political shtick because it works so well with voters that always more or less hates DC and insiders.
Every bit as ludicrous as Jeb’s claim to be on outsider, Hillary Clinton Says She Would Be a Political `Outsider’ as President
It is really hard to describe how bad the media strategy has been for Clinton. Millions and ads in NH already – and they have done nothing.
The last ad, which appeared a couple of days ago on the asshole who jacked the price up for a drug, was great. It kind of took credit for him backing off.
But mostly it is really amazing how bad the Clinton campaign is. There are really smart people around her – I don’t get it.
maybe they are taking a completely defensive approach to the campaign?
While I’m empathetic to the difficulty of the task for Clinton’s team (100% name ID and personally and policy-wise too out of step with today), a focus on repackaging her as the warm and fuzzy daughter, wife, mother, and grandmother with the “I am every woman” implication wouldn’t be where I would have gone. That doesn’t attract more women or men to her candidacy and turns off younger voters.
She had a year after SOS and before launching her campaign to get ahead of the curve on several issues that would have staked out new ground as to leadership qualities and squandered that opportunity. There wasn’t much left to pump out of her old wells. Now she has been reduced to “flip-flopping” to communicate that she’s not out of touch. Not a good place to be.
Can’t believe he’s the ‘ smart one’.
Just imagine where we’d be now if we’d elected him in 2000 instead of Dubya. The mind boggles.
I don’t care.
He won’t get elected and even if he is he will be powerless to reign in the nutjobs. The nut jobs should be the focus of our attention. They need to be cornered, cordoned off and made to look foolish and irrelevant.
I would be … concerned if another Bush got nominated. Family history and experience in stealing elections, among other things.
So long as he’s well funded, stays afloat enough in the polls to rate inclusion in the debates (where he did better last time, even a bit underrated), Kasich and Rubio don’t catch fire, and there’s still plenty of time to rebound, I’m not counting him out.
Though I am heartened by his recent dip in the polls and some media coverage noting this and the seeming desperate ploy to call on Junior to bail him out. Another couple of months of dipping and not rebounding, and I might get interested in a Death Watch for the jeb? campaign.