
This post originally started as a short answer to Booman’s recent post Do We Have Basic Minimum Standards? It grew.


Booman asks:

Q: Do We Have Basic Minimum Standards?

Short answer: No.

Longer answer: Not anymore we don’t.

Elucidation: Why? Because corporatist power (via its intelligence system)  took over the media and succeeded in thoroughly debasing a working culture that had a certain “morality” at its hitherto unshakeable base. (See “Operation Mockingbird” for more on that…just the beginning of what has now happened.)

Read on for more.

Much more.
I find it more than a little…odd…that no one seems to have mentioned the plain fact that the band that got blown up in Paris (along with its many listeners) is named “Eagles of Death Metal.” Sorry…does no one else object to the term “Death Metal?’ Is there anything on earth more descriptive of the violence the U.S./European coalition has unleashed upon the Third World…the parts of the world that cannot match power to power w/the U.S./European military…over the last say 70 years or so?


I went and listened to a couple of their pre-Bataclan tracks…they are a good rock ‘n’ roll band (which really ain’t saying much compared to high level musics) that is basically selling rock as sex.

So what.


So what.

Business as usual.

So what? I don’t want to see anybody killed or maimed, but these guys are fronting for the further dissolution of traditional U.S./European society. Meanwhile 70+ years of real “death metal” has spawned a violent underclass in the Muslim countries that has found a way to bring that enemy culture down. That underclass is the dregs of the shattered Middle Eastern system come to take its revenge. They are no better…and no worse…than the dregs of our own system that are waging their own war against the system that marginalized them. Gang-bangers and far-right militias alike. Throw in the poor, sad, system-created nutcases that are wantonly killing innocents here while you’re at it.

It’s all broken, and we are the bull in the china shop that did the initial breaking.

In the name of “profit.”

“You break it, you buy it,” said Colin Powell as he tried to warn the neocons about their Iraq mistake.

Maybe he could have said it better by quoting an old Toyota ad campaign.

You asked for it, you got it.

We asked for it and we got it, alright.

We got it good!!!.

Question is…what’re gonna do about it?

Damned if I know.

Compound the mistake?

Looks like.

Maybe eventually pop a nuke cap or two on somebody’s ass?

Quite likely.

“It worked in 1945” someone is undoubtedly whispering into someone else’s uninformed…err, ahhh, uniformed…ear at the moment.

Bet on it.

Or…maybe we’re the turkey this Thanksgiving.

Gotta love the media, eh?

Jackass TV.

Good work, America.

Good work.

Happy Turkey Day.