Bernie Sanders’ campaign has been nothing short of amazing. Whatever else happens, it has forced Clinton to the left, activated a new generation of activists, given a boost of power to progressive democrats in the senate and congress, and shown that this is not 1972 anymore, and a progressive candidate for president is perfectly viable. However, the results of the past few primaries show that a Clinton victory in the primaries is by far the most likely outcome.
The Clinton campaign’s recourse to dirty campaigning and tricks that border the illegal ( does not seem consistent with the state of the campaign. I see it as an anachronism: voters today do not take kindly to these kinds of shenaninagans, but the Clinton machine seems stuck in a time before the internet.

I think the way in which Clinton can lose is through panic and overreach: if they get too negative against Sanders, or over-do their dirty, insidery, bullshit, this may turn voters off. If Sanders keeps the heat on Clinton, he may get her campaign to panic sufficiently to produce this result.