With her seven wins tonight, Hillary Clinton extended her lead over Bernie Sanders with regards to the delegate count. As of right now, Clinton has 984 confirmed delegates, while Sanders has 347. 172 delegates are uncommitted. Two more primaries will occur this coming Saturday, Michigan, where Hillary has a 19 point lead, (Combined polls), and Mississippi, where the one poll I’ve seen, has Hillary up 34% On March 15th, Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina and Ohio hold primaries, and Hillary currently leads in Florida, North Carolina and Ohio.
Hillary is well on her way to getting the nomination. It’s not about endorsements, not about speeches, not about big crowds, it’s about votes, delegates and who can beat Donald Trump. In the end, Hillary Clinton, with her experience, and her leadership, can take down Trump and win. The train is picking up steam!!
True socialists when it comes to determine the outcome of primaries …
Posted earlier in my diary – Robert Reich Endorses Bernie Sanders .. and More.