An ugly hate crime by making a political statement going on a killing spree. Likely a homemade gun which limited the damage compared to any semi-automatic pistol or assault weapon such as an AR-15. The intent was similar! See also the recent Charleston shooting of church members by a suspect with a link to anti-apartheid and Rhodesia – Lacking Social Life, Road to Radicalization In White Supremacy.

A few days ago, Tony Blair threw into the Brexit discussion the peace agreement of Northern Ireland… enough hatred to go around a few years. It appears suspect Mair was a white supremacist nationalist. Hate was likely the ultimate motive of killer Mair with a handmade gun build to specications of the National Alliance handbook bought in 1999.

Alleged killer of British MP was a longtime supporter of the neo-Nazi National Alliance | SPLC |

Jo Cox, a member of the Labour Party in the British Parliament, died Thursday after an attack by a lone man who shot and stabbed her in West Yorkshire following a regular public meeting she held with constituents.

Her alleged killer is Thomas Mair, 52. According to eyewitness accounts, which are still under investigation, Mair was armed with a knife and a gun, either antique or homemade, and may have shouted “Britain First” when he attacked Cox, a possible reference to the far right Britain First party, whose leader, Paul Golding, is a former member of the white nationalist British National Party. The Daily Telegraph reported that Mair’s brother claimed Mair has a “history of mental illness,” and neighbors called him a “loner,” but he also has a long history with white nationalism.

    According to records obtained by the Southern Poverty Law Center Mair was a dedicated supporter of the National Alliance (NA), the once premier neo-Nazi organization in the United States, for decades. Mair purchased a manual from the NA in 1999 that included instructions on how to build a pistol.

Mair, who resides in what is described as a semi-detached house on the Fieldhead Estate in Birstall, sent just over $620 to the NA, according to invoices for goods purchased from National Vanguard Books, the NA’s printing imprint. Mair purchased subscriptions for periodicals published by the imprint and he bought works that instruct readers on the “Chemistry of Powder & Explosives,” “Incendiaries,” and a work called “Improvised Munitions Handbook.” Under “Section III, No. 9” (page 125) of that handbook, there are detailed instructions for constructing a “Pipe Pistol For .38 Caliber Ammunition” from components that can be purchased from nearly any hardware store.

The NA may be best-known for the work of its now-deceased founder, William Pierce, a former physics professor who also wrote racist novels. One, The Turner Diaries, tells the post-apocalyptic fictional story of a white man fighting in a race war that may have provided inspiration for Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh.

The Daily Telegraph also reported that Mair was a subscriber to S. A. Patriot, a South African magazine published by White Rhino Club, a pro-apartheid group. The club describes that magazine’s editorial stance as opposed to “multi-cultural societies” and “expansionist Islam.” According to the Daily Telegraph, a January 2006 blog post attributed to the group described Mair as “one of the earliest subscribers and supporters of S. A. Patriot.”

Jo Cox killing: Nazi regalia discovered at house of suspect | The Guardian |

Special police units who searched the house of the man arrested after the killing of MP Jo Cox are believed to have found samples of Nazi regalia and far-right literature.

Thomas Mair was also known to have bought books from a US-based neo-Nazi group, including guides on how to build homemade guns and explosives, according to an anti-hate campaign group in the US. Among them was a manual on how to make a homemade pistol.

Sources say that the suspected killer was lucid when first questioned. A picture is now emerging of a deliberately targeted attack in which Mair lay in wait for the MP as she emerged from her constituency meeting on Thursday. Witnesses have confirmed that he shouted “Britain first” or “Put Britain first” as he attacked Cox, who was 41 and had two children. Britain First is the name of a far-right political party.

South Africa: Exiles Stir Up Net Racism

Johannesburg — An underground organisation of racist South African exiles is using the Internet to recruit supporters and plan for the return of “civilised” white rule to South Africa and Zimbabwe.

The London-based Springbok Club slams “gutless” white liberals for betraying their race by “toadying” up to the African National Congress, and calls for the recolonisation of Africa by white supremacists.

The Killer Of Jo Cox, The Springbok Club And It’s Unionist Associations

In August of 2004 the republican newspaper, An Phoblacht, reported on a speech at a meeting of the “Northern Ireland Springbok Club” by the Reverend Martin Smyth, a member of the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) and MP for South Belfast. As well as being an associate of the sectarian Orange Order the Rev. Smyth was also the one-time deputy leader of the Conservative Monday Club, a far right lobby group in Britain. By 2001 the organisation had become so embroiled in accusations of racism that its mother-party, the Tories, ended their formal ties with it.

    “REVEREND MARTIN SMYTH, Orange Order big-wig and Ulster Unionist MP for South Belfast, was the star turn at a recent dinner in London for white supremacist supporters of Apartheid South Africa and racist Rhodesia.

    The old owl of the UUP claims that his audience included people of all races when he addressed the ‘Northern Ireland Springbok Club’ in June, which would be curious seeing as the Springbok Club came out of a merger between the White Rhino Club and the Rhodesian Forum and holds its meetings under the old Apartheid flag of pre-democracy South Africa and calls for a return to whites-only rule.

    The Springbok Club’s official website reports: “Quoting extensively from Niall Ferguson‘s book Empire, the Rev Smyth was able to show how, in spite of some failings, the British Empire was one of the greatest ever forces for good in the world, and ended by quoting Kipling’s famous injunction ‘Take Up the White Man’s Burden’.”