I was helping my son with his homework last night and I noticed that he had accidentally dated his work in several places with 10/10 rather than 11/10. That’s when I realized that my brother’s birthday had snuck up on me. Tomorrow is his birthday and he would have been 57 years old. Last year, his birthday came so close on the heels of his unexpected death that it didn’t really add to our misery, but this year is different. This morning, I didn’t really want to get out of bed. I felt too nauseated to move.

Well, I got out of bed and I realized that I’m feeling nauseated a lot lately and it’s not the kind of sick feeling that has the prospect of going away any time soon.

I am certain I am not alone in this.

The last time I felt this way was as I watched the Twin Towers fall and I began to contemplate what it was going to do to our national character, particularly under the leadership of what I knew to be an administration absolutely bent on catering to and stoking our worst angels.

It took us a while back then to find each other and get organized, but we did it. It wasn’t quite in time for the 2004 elections, but by 2006 we were a real movement both online and in real life.

I’m feeling a little old and used up at the moment, as though maybe I can’t do this again. Maybe it’s time for the next generation. But that’s just stress and exhaustion speaking, and perhaps the realization that this is a thousand times more dire.

Right now, everyone wants to hash things out, settle scores, argue that their sage advice wasn’t heeded.

That’s human nature and you can’t really fight against it.

But eventually the people who are going to fight this battle and organize for it will find each other, and they’ll be the new leaders. They won’t be looking to score points against people who are mostly on their side. They’ll be looking to build the biggest, strongest movement possible.

When the time comes, look me up. I’ll be ready.