OK, I don’t usually do this, but the owner and name sake of a supposed “Progressive” website just posted that tens of thousands retired  miners and wives/widows should lose their meager pension and health care because Trump won those states.  

Other words, let them suffer because they didn’t vote the way their betters told them.  Maybe that will teach them a lesson.  

Poor dumb white trash hillbillies, that will show ’em.

For an avowed Democrat to even consider this must display the bitter disappointment he feels.  I can only assume he was promised a White House position (“Director of Online Outreach”?) and he painfully feels the loss of prestige and authority.

From previous experience, I can say there is no surprise in the comments.  Its the usual ignorance and arrogance  but for the “figurehead” of such a prominent site in the Progressive Community to come out and say outright, “Screw them” ….well.

This attitude displayed by many in the online part of the Democratic Party does not bode well with any type of appeal for those votes.  Because everyone who ever worked with their hands and has retired, or nearing retirement; is WATCHING.  If the Democratic Party doesn’t fight tooth and nail, then the remaining Union membership will see where they stand with the Party and will increasingly vote against them.

In a political, strategy, rebuilding sense…this has to be the goddamn dumbest thing I have seen since HRC opened her mouth during the campaign.

If the Party does not go all out for this, then maybe its time for a NEW political party.  Nothing says that parties have to last forever.  If they don’t have a natural constituency or can gain one, then why does it exist? Just to enrich consultants?

I tell ya, when I saw this, I was stunned.

