Hello photo lovers!
The series of foto flogs continues on the revamped and revitalized Progress Pond.
Posting photos should be easy. Do you have images hosted somewhere? You should just need an url. Once you place an url of your photo into a comment, your photo should post just fine. No need for any code any more. I host some of my personal photos on Flickr. I think some others use Imgur and find that hosting service satisfactory. Whatever works.
The Foto Flog was curated by a lot of people over the years. At one point, they were even themed – Foto Fairs. For now let’s keep it loose. This week, let’s enjoy some desert flora. I took this one during a visit to the Fullerton Arboretum. And I will make a plug for these resources. If your community has an arboretum, make sure to visit and support it. These are spaces that enable us to educate ourselves and each other about the vulnerability of many of our plant species and the role the climate crisis plays.
To participate in the foto flogs, you don’t have to be a pro. I am definitely an amateur hobbyist. I’ve been taking tons of photos – mostly of landscapes and cityscapes – since I was in my early teens. Currently, I use my LG ThinQ 40 for everyday use. I do have a 35mm camera that is a good three decades old, although one of my daughters seems to have commandeered that one. I’ve always been impressed with the folks who have posted their work in the past. So, let’s make this come to life.
I’m told that summer is due in the Philadelphia area tomorrow when the temperature will climb into the nineties. If it’s like that where you are, enjoy the cooling effect of pictures from Antarctica. An iceberg in the Iceberg Graveyard (where the current pulls the icebergs in but leaves through an opening too small for them to exit) and a view of Nekko Harbor
Today, it’s sea gulls. One each from Hilton Head, Puget Sound, and Lake Superior
From an Italian business trip (for Erica) and vacation (for me).