The polling data is good, but too close for my comfort. I think the most amazing thing to me is that the latest Siena/New York Times poll of New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Nevada shows 40 percent of respondents place more trust in Trump than Biden to handle the coronavirus pandemic. That number should clearly be zero, and yet a combination of mental incapacity and stubborn partisanship leads four in ten voters in these key battleground states to say something so stupid and morally incomprehensible that it makes me want to stick my head in a furnace.

But, I guess it’s precisely because no one in their right mind would ever say that Trump should be preferred to anyone on COVID-19 that he can use this response as a yardstick of Trump’s floor. Somewhere close to forty percent of Americans are completely beyond redemption and would support Trump no matter what, even with their own daughters.

These surveys were conducted in tightly contested races that we decided by only a few points four years ago, so the actual number may be somewhat lower. Still, it’s insane that our country has descended into this kind of collective hell.

The main gist of the article is that Trump isn’t breaking through in states he needs to win, and these states were selected because they could help form an alternate map since Trump is doing poorly in Michigan and Arizona and needs to compensate somewhere else.

Trump may be struggling but if a three point in lead in New Hampshire and a four point lead in Nevada comforts you, you have steadier nerves that me.